I’ve Never Looked So Forward To A Heavenly East Texas Spring
The vernal equinox won't arrive until March 20. But I'm already daydreaming about it.
It was around this time two years ago when, in just a week or two, some of us would come to the full realization of what this 'Coronavirus' would mean for our lives. This wasn't just a strange virus that happens "over there." No, this would require a recalibration of the way we live, work, and play.
It was a sad irony that we were being asked to stay in our homes and/or wear masks right at the time when many start to become even more active outdoors and in our communities. And though it feels we are finally coming out of it, it lingers.
Nature, itself, was waking up just as we were being asked to tuck away into another pseudo-winter.
And then we all remember 'Snowmageddon' in February of last year. And though we were enchanted, many of us, with the magical snow at first, as temps continued to drop and our power grid began to fail--that magic turned to struggle and heartbreak.
Thankfully we've not had to face something of that magnitude this year. Though it always seems there is something in the news that keeps us concerned--inflation, events between Russia and Ukraine...and so on. I can't recall a time when I've heard so many friends and family members tell me how absolutely exhausted they are. RELATE.
There's something about springtime that gives us a sense of hope--the return of light after months and months of darkness. And springtime in East Texas is truly magnificent.
Perhaps that's why I am more grateful than ever that another one of our extraordinarily beautiful East Texas springs is on the way.
It's a perfect opportunity that hope can exist in tandem with a natural world that is also opening up. We have the hope that light is returning--both literally and metaphorically.
Trust that life, warmth, hope, and a sense of normalcy will return.
Springtime also makes me long to take a road trip. Here's some ideas if you can relate to that feeling:
Road Trip Love: Take a Look at TEN of the Prettiest Little Towns in Texas
Devils River State Natural Area: One of the Most Beautiful Places in Texas You've Likely Never Experienced
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