Spectacular Self Care Ideas to Try in Tyler, TX
This time of year is a great time of reflection. It’s a time when we have an opportunity to look back at the previous year and examine our actions and outcomes.
Whether you’ve had a year of growth or you have faced some extreme obstacles, take a little time this month to review where you are. I love doing this. Reflection is one of my favorite ways to recognize where I can make improvements in my life.
I’ve recently taken a little time to reflect, and one thing I’ve learned is that I could set aside more time for Self Care.
You’ve probably heard, or read, that term a lot in the last couple of years. In part, you’re hearing it because we are all living in an era of unprecedented stress. Existing during a pandemic is just different. The world has changed, and it looks like we are not returning to the normal that preceded March of 2020.
So, how do we begin to thrive as we move forward? Self Care is a vital component. Getting our bodies to a healthy state has never been more important. How do we do it?
While there are many ways to reduce stress and care for ourselves, here are a few options that you may not have considered in Tyler.
Get More and Improve Your Sleep Quality - Rest is key to good health. Whether you need a new mattress, to reduce the temperature in your bedroom, reduce your screen time before bed or remove blue lights, this is something you can do simply at home.
Eat Healthy and Supplement - Healthy choices are possible at nearly any moment. Often, they take a bit more planning or preparation, but mostly it’s a decision. Order or prepare whole foods, proteins, veggies, fruits and grains that aren’t loaded with processed sugar and fillers when you can. Your body will thank you. It will also thank you for supplementing, because even our whole foods lack nutrients these days. So whether you grab something off the shelf at the local drugstore, or consult a friend with a side hustle, your body and mind will thank you for feeding it good vitamins and minerals.
Move Yourself - Tyler is a beautiful city and provides plenty of spaces to increase your blood flow and endorphins. One of my personal favorites is Rose Rudman, because of its central location it is an easy place for me to meet friends and get our steps in together.
Meditate - You can do this anywhere, but why not try it in a himalayan salt cave or while getting a massage? Did you know we have a Halotherapy option now in Tyler? I haven’t checked it out yet, but it seems like a great place to put my airpods in my ears and listen to a guided meditation.
Connect - Spend time with friends. Whether it’s a phone call, texting, a video chat or finding a way to get together in person, personal connections improve your mental health. Find someone who you can talk to on a deeper level. Personally, I like to meet friends and practice yoga with them, or grab a healthy meal. Sometimes it’s simply an invitation to sit in my living room and just chat.
All of these are simple ideas, but without scheduling them into your calendar, the likelihood of them getting done decreases. Set aside some time, even if it’s only an hour a week, to do one of these things and give yourself the care you deserve.
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