The People Raving About this Tyler, Texas Spot Were Right–It’s Amazing!
I have a tendency to be skeptical about whatever it is the "crowd" is raving about-- Whether it's a movie, musical artist, and even when it comes to restaurants in Tyler, Longview, Kilgore, or anywhere in East Texas.
But I gotta tell ya: To all of the people raving over Mama's Restaurant in Tyler, Texas--Y'all were so right.
My mom tells me that from the time I was able to feed myself, I've been a serious lover of Mexican and/or Latin American food of all kinds. That also includes Tex-Mex.
Maybe it's cuz she ate so much of it when she was pregnant with me. I dunno, but for whatever reason, it ALWAYS is near the top of my cravings list.

Yesterday, I decided to finally try this place that has received such glowing reviews from so many. Because I was so busy, I opted to ask for it to be delivered.
And ya know, sometimes when we order things via delivery, it's not always *quite* as fresh and hot as it might be were we to have been there in the restaurant. But even so...
The Tex-Mex lunch I ordered from Mama's Restaurant in Tyler, Texas was some of the very best I've ever had.
I had a difficult time choosing what to order via my Favor app. There were so many delicious-sounding options. I finally decided on the Triple Combo which includes three different kinds of enchiladas with the usual rice and beans on the side.
Y'all. OMG.
Do you ever have those experiences dining out when what you're eating is so good it almost reminds you of something you loved in the past but haven't been able to taste in a long, long while?
That's exactly what happened. And it was so affordable, yet I had plenty of leftovers for dinner.
The food was fresh and hot. And the delicious sauces they poured on the enchiladas pooled up next to the rice and beans, creating the perfect scenario for chip-dipping.
(Which, let's be honest, is one of the best parts about eating Mexican food.)
The basic rice and bean sides were exactly how you want them to taste. Even that magic-tasting green sauce they send along with the chips was so good, though THAT part was unlike any other salsa I've ever had. So good.
Mama's Restaurant has two locations in Tyler, Texas and they also serve breakfast all day long. Another giant plus sign in my book.
I will definitely be ordering again. I'm almost giddy thinking about it. ;)
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