People Share the Ten Best Places to Walk (Safely) in or Near Tyler, Texas
Now that the weather is getting warmer and more beautiful, residents of Tyler, Texas, and all around our area are looking to get back outside to nature.
I certainly am. I tell ya, I've been so very much looking forward to spring in East Texas this year. There's nothing quite like getting out into nature, even for just a brisk 20-minute walk, to change your outlook. It's a game-changer for me. And when the weather is as beautiful as it is right at this moment? Well, even more so.
Whether you enjoy walking for the communion with nature, want to get some good exercise in before summer arrives, or a combination, it's nice to know there are various areas in or near Tyler, Texas where people can get out and walk--SAFELY.
Granted, no matter how "safe" a park or place may be, it's important to always be aware of your surroundings. You may even want to consider trying to find a walking buddy.

I often walk around the area where I live--and it is lovely. We are fortunate in East Texas to have so many lovely backroads upon which to wander. At the same time, we all could use a change of scenery sometimes. And so, I was happy to run across a post where Tyler, TX locals were discussing some of the best places to walk (safely) in or around Tyler.
Some of these I already knew, though I've not visited all of them. Others came as a complete surprise or were places I'd been before, but never considered walking there.
In case you might find these helpful, I thought I'd share them with you, too:
People Share the Ten Best Places to Walk (Safely) in or Near Tyler, Texas
Road Trip Love: Take a Look at TEN of the Prettiest Little Towns in Texas
Devils River State Natural Area: One of the Most Beautiful Places in Texas You've Likely Never Experienced
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