"It ravaged my healthy body. There's no doubt." 

That's what First Baptist Corsicana Senior Pastor Danny Reeves told NPR's Debbie Elliot.

Like many, he felt that since he was only in his forties and generally healthy, that even if he DID contract Covid-19, it wouldn't be much of an issue for him.

He admits now that he was very wrong.

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It's not that Pastor Reeves was an "anti-vaxxer." Not at all. But he told NPR's Elliot he was "falsely and erroneously overconfident."

Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel
Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel

Reeves is certainly not alone in that. There has been so much conflicting information coming from the various media sources, it's no wonder so many of us have been utterly confused--not just about the virus and it's potential ravaging effect, but also about the Covid-19 vaccines.

Last month he was in Dallas seeking to recover from Covid-19 at Baylor University Medical Center: "fighting for his life."

Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel
Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel


Reeves described that time in the ICU as "harrowing." Particularly after doctors told him that he might die.  

Thankfully, he is now out of the hospital and continues to strengthen and recover. He also vowed to share his experience with his church congregation with the hopes it may encourage them to reconsider the vaccine and to take Covid-19 more seriously.

Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel
Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel

I think Pastor Reeves is incredibly brave and we are inspired by his courage and willingness to share his story with us all. It's hard to admit when we're wrong, and he has done so with such grace and humility.

Respect, Pastor Danny Reeves. Thank you for sharing your story and we are so, so grateful that you are on the mend.

Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel
Screenshot from Fox4 YouTube channel

Reeves said he was planning to get vaccinated once the doctors gave him to go-ahead. 

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