Tyler’s Movie In The Park 2018 Spring Series
It's time to break out the blanket and enjoy an awesome movie with the family at Bergfeld Park in Tyler.
The Tyler Parks and Recreation Department has been hosting the Movies In The Park series since 2004 and has shown 96 movies for free to the public so far! With the changing of the season and warmer weather on the way, the movie series is making its spring debut and the new amphitheater at Bergfeld Park in Tyler. This year marks the thirteenth year for the outdoor movie series that has featured many family friendly movies throughout the years.
This spring you can bring your blanket, lawn chairs, drinks and snacks and enjoy the following movies:
Saturday, April 14th
8 p.m.
Lego Ninjago
rated PG
Saturday, May 5th
8:15 p.m.
La La Land
rated PG-13
A special concert will precede the movie at 6:30 p.m. by the Green Acres Celebration Orchestra. This movie will also be an edited version due to language and is not recommended for small children.
Saturday, May 12th
8:15 p.m.
Emoji Movie
rated PG
Saturday, May 19th
8:15 p.m.
Nut Job 2, Nutty By Nature
rated PG
Tyler's Movie In The Park series takes place at the amphitheater at Bergfeld Park in Tyler. While supplies last, drinks will be provided. If you would like to help out and bring more movies to expand the series, call the Tyler Parks and Recreation special events office at 903.531.1214.