Tyler, TX Man Missing for Over One Year, With No Answers
It has been over a year since Marcus Daniel Rodriguez went missing from the Palomar Apartment complex in Tyler, Texas. That means over a year that two kids have wondered when their dad was going to come home, with no answers. The Tyler Police Department is still working the case but unfortunately at this time there just aren’t any new leads to follow up on.
The incident took place on December 23rd of 2021 when Marcus Rodriguez was last seen at the apartment complex on Old Jacksonville Highway in Tyler. He was at a party with others around his age but then he vanished, and no one has any details since then.
Police Have Questioned Everyone
As you would expect when someone goes missing law enforcement tracked down as many people from that party as possible, but no one had any answers. Police searched all around the woods near the apartment complex with no luck, and not sure where to look next for Marcus.
Locals are Still Nervous About What Happened That Night in Tyler
Recently I was talking with a woman in her 20s that lives in Tyler, and she mentioned that she is still nervous to go to parties because there are no answers regarding what happened to Marcus Rodriguez. People need to be able to feel safe where they live, which is why we need anyone to come forward if they have any information regarding this case. His family deserves answers, his kids deserve answers. If you know what happened to Marcus Rodriguez contact the Tyler Police Department at 903-531-1025.