It’s hard to pass judgment on iPhone’s new “theatre mode” because, well, it doesn’t exist out in the real world just yet. But according to a new report, that might be changing sooner rather than later, as Apple’s latest update is said to include this mysterious function. What is it, exactly? What does it do? Is this good news or bad news? Is the sanctity of the theatrical experience facing a new, insidious threat? Whatever it is, we’ll probably find out on January 10, when the iOS 10.3 beta rolls out to iPhone users.
“The future of TV is apps.”
And with that Apple announced a long-awaited upgrade to its Apple TV unit including a touchpad remote, a new interface and its own dedicated App Store.
Since Apple released the first iPhone, they have been the hottest commodity on the market. Just about everyone wants one. But, if you don't have $400 or more, that probably won't happen. Well it looks like by the end of this year that could all change.
Maybe don't buy expensive electronics from Walmart. If this (NSFW) video is to be believed, they've all been tossed around and dropped on the floor repeatedly just for the hey of it.
While products like the iPod Touch or Nano may be tiny, it's rare that the folks at Apple do anything concerning the launch of their products small. So with that in mind it should be of no surprise that they were able to secure one of the biggest rock bands in the land, the Foo Fighters, to play the Apple iPhone 5 launch party Wednesday (Sept. 12).
At a press conference this morning in San Francisco, Apple introduced the iPhone 5.
The latest version of the best-selling smartphone has been highly anticipated ever since the somewhat disappointing release of the previous iteration, the iPhone 4s.
The iPod, Apple’s MP3 player that revolutionized the way we listen to music, recently celebrated its tenth birthday. How do ya like them apples, Microsoft Zune!