Emerald Catron has written for Asylum, Lemondrop, MyDaily and Daily Fill. She is one half of rap duo Dem Shortybooz and is a comedic performer around NYC. Follow her on Twitter @emeraldcatron
Emerald Catron
5 Excellent Twists on the ‘Breaking Bad’ Finale
After five seasons, 'Breaking Bad' has finally come to an end. If you watched the show, we're going to go ahead and assume you've spent the majority of the past few days reading countless blog posts about the show to get a fix before you realize it's actually gone forever.
Woman Quits Job in Best Possible Way With 4AM Dance Video
Tired of a boss who puts quantity over quality, this woman decided to finally express herself...by quitting via dance video.
Cowboy Grandpa Empties Pool With Box Cutter, Pandemonium Ensues
Well, slashing the thing open with a knife certainly tops pushing down on one side and watching the water slowly pour out in the fun category, as far as ways to empty your above-ground pool go.
The Truth Behind That Hilarious Car Accident Voicemail Video
An eight-year-old internet video is going viral once again. But is that funny voicemail video that made you laugh legit?
Student Tricks Class Into Thinking He’s the Professor, Crushes Their Dreams
Let this classroom prank be a lesson to all professors about the merits of punctuality.
Massive Sinkhole Swallows a Whole Mess of Trees in a Couple of Seconds
Nothing will make you appreciate the power of nature quite like watching a dozen cypress trees being sucked underwater in the blink of an eye by a sinkhole.
Watch Two Stuntwomen Reenact the Chicken Fight From ‘Family Guy’
With enough money, you can pay two famous stuntwomen to reenact the epic chicken fight scene from 'Family Guy.' That's what happened here.
Canadian Drive By Is Not What You Think
In Canada, a "drive by" involves stopping and helping a disabled person, then posting a video of it to the internet encouraging others to do the same.
Guy Gives Neighbor a Ride, Gets Best Vine Ever
This Vine made Yoeslan Alfaro will make you happy pretty much every six seconds, and he didn't even plan it.
Former President George H.W. Bush Shaved Head for Child With Cancer
Regardless of your politics, you have to admit this is a class move by former President George H.W. Bush.
Bumblebee High Fives Drunk Guy, Drunk Guy Flips Out
This video makes us feel happy, because it is so supremely awesome. It also makes us feel sad because we will probably never get a high five from a bumblebee. We can't even get high fives from our "friends."
Friends Prank Man Into Thinking He’s Bungee Jumping Off Bridge
Sometimes friends are the worst. This rowdy bunch of Norwegians (note the man smoking next to a gas can) took their friend out for his bachelor party and pulled a massive prank.