24 Of 25 Inspected Restaurants In Longview Scored An ‘A’, See All The Great Grades
Will it be a burger or a chicken sandwich, maybe pasta, enchiladas, or pancakes, wait maybe a burrito or fried rice? That's the decision that is being made hundreds of times right now in Longview, Texas. It's one of the biggest questions that gets asked and answered thousands of times a day, besides 'Are we there yet?'!
Once someone in your friend group or family decides upon a certain cuisine, the question becomes, where will we grab that awesome meal?
There are a lot of factors that go into making that decision when you're going out to eat or hitting up that drive-thru in Longview. You want to make sure you're served up quickly and safely in addition to making sure that the restaurant or fast food joint you're about to hit up complies with the local health department.
While all restaurants in Longview are playing by the same set of rules, not all of them are following the same rules.
When going out to eat when was the last time you thought about:
- the state of that restaurant's kitchen
- the cleanliness of the restaurant
- what the food prep area looks like
- is the dishwasher up to spec
If any of those things are out of compliance, then someone could become ill.
Thankfully the City Of Longview's Environmental Health Department has a team of food establishment inspectors from their Food Service department that goes out and routinely inspects area restaurants and gives them a letter grade based on the inspection.
These restaurants are being held accountable through daily, weekly, quarterly, biannually, or annual inspections. If the restaurant has a satisfactory grade then all is good. If there are issues, then the restaurant will have to take immediate action to correct the problem.
Inspectors are looking to make sure food safety and sanitation regulations are being adhered to. That foods are being held at the right temperature and stored properly because if not the public could be negatively affected by the growth of harmful bacteria or other foodborne illnesses.
In the latest round of Longview area restaurant inspections, all but one received an A score while one received a B. Let's look at these restaurants that received that A when they were recently inspected.
24 Of 25 Inspected Restaurants In Longview Scored An 'A', See All The Great Grades (03.25.24)
Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1
Not All Longview Restaurants Had Perfect Scores On Their Latest Inspection (03.01.24)
Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1
The Latest Round Of Health Inspections In Longview Is Shocking (01.20.23)
Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1
Take A Look At These Longview Area Restaurant Inspection Reports (10.16.23)
Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1