East Texas has several businesses that are among the best places to work in the US, with environments where people aren't just punching time clocks.

People with jobs at these places love going in to work every day and want to contribute, and that creates an atmosphere that works for everyone, including customers and clients.

The rest of us might not be employed at these places, but we go there a lot and probably see these employees two or three times a week.  Like QuikTrip and Raisin' Canes Chicken Fingers.

Glassdoor says QuikTrip and Raisin' Canes are both on the list of the Top 50  Best Places to Work in the US.

Also making the list:


FedEx Freight

Delta Airlines

Keller Williams


Texas Instruments

What would you add?

To qualify for the list, at least 75 employees had to submit reviews, and then Glassdoor compiled the list of the best of the best.  Facebook made the top 5.

We just hope you love your job!  And thanks for listening while you work.

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