Tatum ISD has some explaining to do over allegations that the school board changed their dress code which discriminate against African American males.

According to East Texas Matters, during a school board meeting on Monday (September 9th) a group of parents holding signs as Randi Woodley spoke on behalf of her grandson over an incident that happened in August of 2018.

Her grandson attended a Meet the Teacher meeting and administrators indicated to her there was a problem with his hair saying it was too long.

As she went to see the principal to discuss his hair the Superintendent Dr. J.P. Richardson gave her (3) options to handle this matter.

He told me that I could either cut it, braid it and pin it up, or put my grandson in a dress and send him to school, and when prompted my grandson must say he’s a girl.

Woodley and her grandson has received support throughout the community as they argue having a boy change his hairstyle will send the wrong message and it shouldn't be a problem wearing your hair naturally.

I will be here at every board meeting. I will fight to get all the rules changed.

The Superintendent wasn't available for comment and a petition has started by Woodley asking others to not allow a 4-year-old be pressured into cutting his hair.

You can sign the petition by clicking here.



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