A Texas School is One of the Most Affordable for Nursing
It's Nurses Appreciation Week, and a Texas school has earned a ranking as one of the most affordable places in the country to earn a distinguished degree in nursing. And it can be done online.
Nurses week started on Thursday, May 6th, and runs through Wednesday, May 12th, and stores and restaurants around East Texas have been offering freebies and discounts to healthcare workers to say thanks. And, nurses can get free Crocs this week too. The typical nurse walks five miles in a 12-hour shift, and there are plenty of places this week that will offer some help along the way, whether it's free shoes, extra carbs, or a boost of caffeine.
There is a huge demand for healthcare workers right now and hospitals are hiring. CHRISTUS Health has been posting job openings HERE. Now is a good time to be looking for a job in medicine.
East Texas schools have turned out plenty of highly capable nurses over the years, but there's one school in Texas that's being recognized as one of the most affordable. The doctor of nursing practice program at the University of Texas Medical Branch costs around $6400 per year, and "focuses on teaching students how they can best help vulnerable populations." Skills gained in the program lean toward helping people who have no insurance or are in tough economic situations. It's an online program, but there are two or three days each semester where students have to meet on campus. If you drive to Galveston for classes, you could hit the beach while you're there (with all the money you're saving on school).
Other programs recognized by MasterofScienceinNursing.com for affordability include Missouri State University, The University of Oklahoma, Arkansas State University, New Mexico State University, and the U of Massachusetts in Boston.
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