Where is it Legal to Spread the Ashes of a Person or Pet in Texas?
Losing a family member or a beloved pet in Texas is one of the hardest moments in anyone's life. You had some great memories of living life with that family member. You raised and cared for that furry family member for many years. When either of them are gone, a big part of us is gone, too. While a majority of people or pets who have passed on will be buried and a marker set up, some may be cremated to keep in an urn in a special place. Others may take those ashes and spread them in a spot that person or pet enjoyed the most. This begs the question, can you spread a person or pet's ashes anywhere you want in Texas? Let's find out.
Losing a Loved One or Pet
The death of a family member or a beloved pet is never easy for anyone. You lose a part of your heart because of the love you had for that person or pet. It's been just over four years since I lost my black lab Buddy. I still miss him. I had him cremated and he resides in an urn with his name on it. I've never thought of scattering his ashes anywhere. But if I did decide to do that, could I do it anywhere I want to in Texas? Yes. I, or you, could.
Where to spread ashes in Texas?
The state of Texas has no restrictions on where you can scatter a person or pet's ashes. Having said that, some cities may have ordinances that could restrict where you could spread the loved one's ashes. National or state parks, for the most part, have no restrictions but it would still be a good idea to check with park rangers just to make sure you wouldn't get in trouble for doing so.
On the Water or In the Air
If your loved one or pet loved the water, there is no restrictions on spreading their ashes in a river, lake, or in the Gulf. There are even some boating services that will help you spread those ashes at sea. You can even release those ashes in the air above Texas, just don't drop the urn, that could get you into big trouble (thelivingurn.com).
How could you get in trouble?
If you do scatter your loved one's or pet's ashes somewhere, Do Not leave the urn behind. That is littering and you could be ticketed for it. Some funeral homes offer biodegradable urns that can be buried.
However you decide to remember or honor your loved one or pet is perfectly okay. Know that if spreading their ashes is part of their wishes you can pretty much do it however and wherever you want in Texas.
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