
It’s Summer, and Some Of Us are Freezing
It’s Summer, and Some Of Us are Freezing
It’s Summer, and Some Of Us are Freezing
It always happens this time of year. The weather outside gets hotter, and the temperature inside stores and office buildings gets freezing cold. But did you hear one big box store is going to raise the thermostat one degree? "Woohoo!" said women.
What If We Had A 3-Day Work Week?
What If We Had A 3-Day Work Week?
What If We Had A 3-Day Work Week?
This story may not have quite the impact if it was coming from a video-game-playing dude in his twenties who spent most of his time on the couch eating chips. But it's coming from a guy with big ambitions who heads a multi-billion dollar company, and is the second-richest person in the world behind Bill Gates. Carlos Slim is saying we should only be working three days out of the week.  Great!  Now
Facebook Stamps Let You ‘Like’ and ‘Dislike’ Things in Real Life
Facebook Stamps Let You ‘Like’ and ‘Dislike’ Things in Real Life
Facebook Stamps Let You ‘Like’ and ‘Dislike’ Things in Real Life
For those who spend tons of time of Facebook, the real world can feel like a foreign place: How can you know if that cute girl at the bar is single without a relationship status? How to remember the name of that guy from high school if he hasn’t been helpfully tagged? And how does one share an opinion on a clever magazine article or cool piece of art without a “like” button? Happily, liking things