Help Jacksonville Police Catch Thief Who Stole From A Church Van
We all don't like thieves but you gotta be a pretty soul-less scumbag to want to steal from a CHURCH. Now this dude probably will say "I stole from the OUTSIDE a church so it don't count" but I'm sure when he reaches the pearly gates on judgement day, that excuse probably won't get him in.
We take you to Jacksonville Texas where the Jacksonville PD just posted a video on their Facebook page of a dude who looks like he doing some light mechanic work at night under a church van but in reality he was stealing what has now become a "hot item" for thieves: A Catalytic Converter.
According to NBC News, Catalytic Converter thefts are on the rise all across the country from just a few hundred a month to literally THOUSANDS a month. Converters contain the metals Platinum and Palladium which are worth thousands of dollars just for an ounce and even though catalytic converters contain a very small amount of these metals, they are still worth a lot of money to thieves.
They take the metal to scrap iron dealers and if you consider that they go back out and keep stealing them from parked cars, a thief can make a nice little bit of money. Plus as you seen in the video, it doesn't take long for your converter to get taken.
Jacksonville police are asking for you help identifying this dude and if you can help, contact them 903-586-2546 and refer to Case #2021017230.