Girl Scout Cookie Sales Continue
Girls Scouts in Tyler are part of a regional group called Girl Scouts of North East Texas, which covers 32 counties in East and Northeast Texas, including Smith, Wood, Gregg, Henderson and Van Zandt Counties.
Girls Scouts have been selling the cookies since January 10, so hopefully your order is in! You can also pick them up at booths across East Texas.
The girls are selling cookies at booths outside of grocery stores and other local retail venues through February 16th in the Smith County region. To find a booth in the area, you can call 1-888-GS-COOKIE or enter your zip code in the Cookie Booth Finder App downloaded from iTunes or Google Play. Or just visit the Girls Scouts of Northeast Texas and enter your zip code on their website.
Tagalongs anyone? Samoas are another favorite. Thin Mints are always the most popular, and they're great in the freezer!
And don't forget you can buy some cookies for the troops, and have them sent to our brothers and sisters in the military.
Thanks Girl Scouts, for doing what you do!