Enjoy Yoga + Beer This Saturday
Remember the quaint yoga classes that became hugely popular in the backyard at True Vine? They've gotten an upgrade at the all new location, and the first one is this Saturday.
If the combination of yoga and beer sounds good to you, then this should be your Saturday morning practice. A local yoga studio and local brewery are bringing two of my favorite things together.
If you decide to take part in the practice, the cost of your class and beer are included. It's just $10 to practice and partake afterwards with a cold beverage. Tickets are available through event brite.
BeFree Yoga and True Vine plan to team up for this fun event each second Saturday moving forward. So, n'mastay and drink a beer with your yogi buddies! I may have to round up my girl friends for this one. Sun salutations followed by clinking beer mugs sounds like a good way to start a Saturday!
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