Dispelling A Few “Hairy” Myths
When I was about 6 years old, I decided it would be a fun idea to take my mom's razor and shave my arms. Don't know why, really. Seemed like fun. However, when my mom discovered what I'd done she freaked and announced to me that now I would forever have to deal with extra thick hair on my arms for the rest of my life. My kid brain tried to process that. Turns out, it wasn't true. However, if I'd continued to do it? There's a chance she'd be right.
There's many myths and opinions out there in regard to all things regarding our hair. I'm sure you've a few of your own you could share. But are they true?
I'm a happy customer of one of the razor delivery services. Since they are all about delving into anything related to hair growth and the subsequent removal of it, I found the article they shared in their DSC Journal amusing and insightful. I'll share a couple of the highlights with you:
Does shaving make your beard (for men, obvs) grow back thicker and darker? Actually, no. Surprised? However, it may seem like it's growing back thicker at first since the shaving process leaves your hairs with temporarily blunt ends.
Is it true that going bald will cause ear and nose hair to grow like crazy? Believe it or not, this is true. Thanks to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the hair on a guys' head "develops a sensitivity to DHT, which can kill hair follicles." At the same time, that DHT seems to act as a type of steroid which causes more and thicker hair on areas with previously lighter growth. Hm. Science doesn't know why yet.
Will ingesting hair cause problems internally and wreck my insides? This isn't true. Frankly, I'd never even heard this one. Disclaimer: That doesn't mean you should start eating clumps of hair in case you were tempted (cuz you're a weirdo). That may not only cause a bit of abdominal pain, but also may cause family and friends to worry about you. ;)
What other hair myths have your heard and found not to be true?