The ‘Reply All’ To A Corporate Email Generates Funny Responses + Upsets Others
Depending upon the situation, the 'reply all' email can be detrimental or hilarious.
Before hitting the 'reply all' button to an email that was sent to a corporate distribution list you need to consider how many people are on the list and who all is included on the list! When there's a thousand or more names on the distribution list, the reply you send using 'reply all' could end up making some within the organization upset. That was kind of the case this morning here at the radio station!
Here on our website we have a ton of writers from our other properties that write stories for us dealing with music news, movie news, celebrity news, regular news, strange things, funny things and more. From time to time the corporate team will email the stations alerting them to breaking or trending news, which was the case here. Last night around 7:30 p.m. our writers at ScreenCrush alerted us to the news of the passing of actor R. Lee Ermey - most famously known for his role in Full Metal Jacket.
After reading the headline of the post for the website one person in the company hit the 'REPLY ALL' and replied to everyone within the company with a suggestion about the title of the article and then the flood gates opened! Once opened by the initial 'reply all' there was no closing the gates or going back! The responses that came in after the first reply were pretty funny and then quickly became irritating for others within the company because they were being alerted to new emails nearly every five seconds!
Below is the original email along with all the corresponding 'reply all' messages - and of course all identifying information has been removed!
The second to last reply kills me, there's always someone rooting for their favorite team! Nothing against Alabama at all!