
You Do This 134 Times Every Day At Work
You Do This 134 Times Every Day At Work
You Do This 134 Times Every Day At Work
In addition to checking email every six minutes and switching back and forth among thirty applications, we do this 134 times every day at work without even thinking about it. This right-click maneuver is so routine, we really could do it in our sleep.
Need To Boost Your Library of Emoticons? Look Here!
Need To Boost Your Library of Emoticons? Look Here!
Need To Boost Your Library of Emoticons? Look Here!
Do you ever feel like you're not using your full emoticon potential?  I do. To emote in text and email, I usually default to the quick and easy ones like these: :) ;) :-D ;-) Everyone else seems so much better at cyber emoting!  So I decided to do a little research to get better with the cyber winks, and I decided to share what I found.  You may be all over these already.