The average family has ten or eleven devices hooked up to the home Wi-Fi, but most devices can hold a lot more than that. Would you believe it's more than two hundred?
In addition to checking email every six minutes and switching back and forth among thirty applications, we do this 134 times every day at work without even thinking about it. This right-click maneuver is so routine, we really could do it in our sleep.
On Monday, thousands of people woke up to find they had no internet service. And it wasn’t just a weird coincidence — computers infected with a certain malware were affected in what’s now been dubbed ‘Malware Monday.’
A Pak 'n Save in Hamilton, New Zealand, was supposed to be closed last week to observe Good Friday. Unfortunately, it appears the grocery store's technology never got the memo.
According to reports, a glitch in the store's security system caused its doors to electronically unlock at 1AM Friday morning, leaving them open for an additional eight hours.