Taco Cabana Might Be Back In Tyler After 20-Year Absence
During the years I lived in Dallas & Austin, there was nothing better than hitting the drive-thru at Taco Cabana for breakfast tacos, whether I made the run on the way in to work at 7 am, or on the way home from a late late night at 2am (aah- those wild younger days)!
The Tyler Morning Telegraph reported that after a 20-year absence, tasty Taco Cabana treats might soon be available to all of us again here in Tyler.
Longview residents already enjoy the fajitas, quesadillas & other yummy Taco Cabana menu selections at their 411 East Loop 281 location. According to the news story, the Village at Cumberland Park shopping center, which seems to be red hot when it comes to attracting new retail outlets (see In-N-Out), is in lease negotiations for a Taco Cabana Tyler return.
The city confirms a building permit has been issued for construction at the 8730 South Broadway location, but no word yet on a proposed opening date.
The Taco Cabana revelation follows right behind the announcement that In-N-Out Burger would also be opening in Tyler at the Village at Cumberland Park. My mouth is already watering!
In the meantime, I bet the first night of TC being open in Tyler will look like this...
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