Sell Your Stuff at The Townsquare Media Garage Sale!
Need some extra cash? Trying to plan your summer vacation, but you're low on funds? We've got an event coming up that can help you earn some extra cash - and clean out your garage at the same time!
It's the Townsquare Media Garage Sale and here's how it works:
We've rented out Building "E" next to Harvey Convention Center on the East Texas Fairgrounds. On Saturday, May 19 we are having one HUGE garage sale from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. We've got approximately 52 booth spaces available both inside and outside of the building. You can rent a 10x10 booth space - or two or even three for just $40 each. Come set up and sell your stuff and work your booth - You keep all the money you make!
We will invite our listeners to come shop at the garage sale that day! Imagine us advertising, on the five biggest radio stations in East Texas, about a 52 family garage sale! We will definitely get the people there!
So get together all of your unwanted stuff - antiques, crafts, clothes, furniture, etc. and join us for a HUGE garage sale!
Call now to reserve your booth space at 903-581-0606.