Like most people living here in East Texas I find it to be a pretty great place to live. Obviously, there are going to be annoyances with anywhere you live such as drug activity, but those things happen everywhere. But we all want to live in a safe community and for the most part we are pretty fortunate when it comes to being in a safe place to live. As SafeWise released their list of the safest cities in Texas and 12 East Texas cities made that list. 


The reason these rankings were put together is because SafeWise was wanting to highlight the cities with a low crime rate and also start conversation regarding lowering the crime rates in the cities that didn’t do very well on their list. 

What Statistics Went Into These Rankings 

When putting these rankings together they looked at violent crime numbers per 1,000 people in each city. The violent crimes they took into consideration for these numbers include aggravated assault, murder, rape and robbery. To see so many East Texas towns on this list is a good thing, you can see what East Texas towns made the list by scrolling down. 

What East Texas City Ranked Highest/Safest? 

There are lots of Texas cities on the list but the highest rank or the safest city according to this list would be Whitehouse, Texas. But there are lots of East Texas cities that made the list so let’s look at all twelve that made the list and see where they landed. Hopefully we will see even more East Texas cities on this list next year.  

Ranking East Texas Cities for Safest Communities

Here is a look at some of the safest cities in East Texas and where they ranked compared to all cities in Texas.

6 of the Friendliest Cities in America Located in Texas

Southern Hospitality is alive and well as 6 of the friendliest cities in the country are located in the great state of Texas.

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