Pets Are Better Off Because of the Pandemic
With more time at home in the past year, we've showered our pets with love and attention and it may have been the best year ever for them. There are plenty of great dogs up for adoption at East Texas shelters this year too.
Dog adoptions were way up in 2020, and USA Today said that turned into some strange side effects too. Sales of doggie diapers and pet training pads spiked as families adjusted to having a new pet at home. If you're looking for a side hustle, now might be a good time to launch your, um, pet waste scooping business.
East Texas rescue groups have dozens of more dogs waiting for a home like yours this year. If you're going to adopt, you want to find one that fits well with your family, of course. Adventurous trail runners might like a big dog that can trot for several miles, but the Austins like to lounge on the couch and watch movies a lot so we picked Libby. She loves to curl up! She's a Mini Pinscher mix.
Tyler's Pets Fur People has been closed to in-person browsing for most of the pandemic, but the online application system has been working well to help get pets into homes. Once you fill out the application, they'll get back to you with the next steps. At last check, they had dogs up for adoption ranging in age from three or four months up to eleven years. If adoption is not your thing, donating to the cause is a good option too.
We adopted Libby when she was one year old, and she had already learned the art of potty training before she moved in with us. And she was spayed, and the immunizations were up to date. Adopting a dog that's not a puppy has its advantages.
If you've been working remotely and you're about to head back to the office, the dog is going to have major withdrawals after a year of constant attention. This is going to require treats. And leaving the radio on for the company.
KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies
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