The Salvation Army created the first ever doughnut day back in 1938 as a way to show their appreciation to those who served doughnuts to U.S. soldiers during World War II. Since then, National Doughnut Day has been celebrated on the first Friday of June. Many national doughnut chains and local operators will give patrons free doughnuts today, but usually require some kind of purchase though! So before go Homer Simpson on a doughnut store and eat all their sprinkled donuts, you might want to check first to see if they're giving away free doughnuts today!

Doughnuts are also celebrated three other times throughout the year. On June 8th it's International Jelly Filled Doughnut Day, National Creme Filled Doughnut Day is on September 4th and then on October 30th it's Buy A Doughnut Day.

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