Is There Evidence For Votes Cast By Dead People In Pennsylvania?
This has been a quite unusual election season. Perhaps that's a bit of an understatement. Impassioned people of various political persuasions are experiencing a full range of emotions--from the most unbridled joy to the deepest disgust and rage. And many feelings in between.
Two main issues of contention, of which there are many, is a rumor that thousands of deceased persons "voted" in Wayne County, Michigan, thus helping flip the state in Joe Biden's favor. A similar rumor went viral in regard to Pennsylvania. This is obviously a pain point for the Trump campaign. Many a "news" website and their pundits have lamented over what they believe to be the unfair loss of these 20 electoral votes, much to the horror of Trump supporters. And who could blame them if it were true?
But is it true?
CNN recently analyzed the Michigan fraud claim and found there was no evidence of this. None. Granted, many right-leaning people see CNN and immediately think "fake news." (It's not fake news, though it does lean a bit to the left.) But CNN wasn't the only media outlet to do so. So did Politifact. That matters. See below.
In the case of the Pennsylvania "dead voter fraud," The New York Times reported no evidence. Granted, as in the case of CNN, many on the right politically, may see the NYT as "fake, liberal news," as well. (It's not fake, but does also, yes lean slightly liberal.) Again, The NYT wasn't the only one reporting on the lack of evidence to these claims in Pennsylvania. So did
Politifact and
However one feels about CNN or The New York Times, Politifact and are two sites designed specifically to investigate the truth of these types of political claims.
Regarding, there is documentation for their critiques on both the left and right during the political season of Romney and Obama in 2012. More cited cases of equal opportunity chiding here.
The point is--there is no evidence to truthfully back up these claims.
I suppose we could decide everything is fake news, right? That is, except for the media sources who seem to confirm what we already think is true based on our particular political leanings--right or left or in-between.
It's important that we try to look at the truth of a situation, even if it doesn't confirm our bias. It's hard, I know. We're human. There is bias on every side.
We must do our best to seek the truth in order to move forward as a nation.
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