Now that the summer season is officially over is it too early to think about holiday travel?

According to East Texas Matters, if you are thinking about traveling for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday you should start looking for flights on Wednesday (September 25th) for the best fair possible.

That date begins the month long time period where flights are at their cheapest for traveling in November and December according to AAA analysis.

If you are traveling for Thanksgiving you can save some cash if you choose to travel on the Monday before (November 25th) on even on Thanksgiving Day (November 28th), but keep in mind that flights will start to increase on the Sunday before Thanksgiving (November 24th).

For travelers during the Christmas holiday the best time to fly is Christmas Eve (December 24th) and the worst day is the day after Christmas (December 26th).

Now if you will excuse me I need to make my travel arrangements and buy me a nice Christmas present from my savings.




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