After Arrests, 44 People Are Facing Felony Charges In Smith County

Law enforcement agencies across Smith County, Texas, and East Texas were kept pretty busy last week thanks to spring break and St. Patrick's Day events. More than 120 people were booked into the Smith County Jail last week alone. Of the 120 arrested, nearly one-third of them are now facing at least one felony charge.
There are typical felony charges stemming from drugs, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, driving while intoxicated 3 offenses to larceny along with a couple of federal detainer arrests. Through an open record request, it is eye-opening to see how easily illegal drugs continue to flow through East Texas. Plus, it is shocking to see how many first and second-time DWIs there are in Smith County alone. People know that drinking impairs your ability to drive, but they continue to put their lives and others at risk when they get behind the wheel after drinking.
Two people were charged with tampering with a corpse.
This charge is among the most shocking on the list this week. Last Wednesday (March 15th), Smith County deputies were called out to a location just north of Tyler on Hwy. 69 regarding a deceased newborn. According to the sheriff's office press release, "the mother admitted to having the infant on March 12, 2023, wrapping the infant in a brown towel, placing the infant in a red bucket and placing the bucket outside behind the residence." It is not known if the child was alive when she took this action. This case is still under active investigation.
Last week in Smith County alone officers took a good amount of drugs off of the street and arrested many who could have potentially caused injury to many others. Those featured below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
After Arrests, 44 People Are Facing Felony Charges In Smith County (March 20, 2023)
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