3 Doors Down Guitarist Matt Roberts Exits Band Over Health Issues
3 Doors Down are very much a family, pretty much keeping most of the group intact since day one. So it with sadness that the band announces that founding guitarist Matt Roberts is stepping away from the band.
After close to two decades with the group, Roberts revealed that he’s leaving due to health issues. The guitarist has dealt with circulation problems in recent years that were only exacerbated by the band’s consistently full tour schedule.
The guitarist says in a press release, “3 Doors Down will always have a special place in my heart and it saddens me to take this time off, but my health has to be my first priority.”
Singer Brad Arnold added, “Matt is our brother and he will always be a part of this band and he will always be welcomed back with open arms.”
The group and Roberts came to a decision that Arnold, bassist Todd Harrell, guitarist Chris Henderson, and drummer Greg Upchurch will continue as a four-piece, and the band will still continue their current ‘Gang of Outlaws Tour’ with rock legends ZZ Top and country superstar Gretchen Wilson.