It’s prom season here in East Texas, and high school juniors and seniors have been busy planning the evening. And more importantly for the girls, they’re searching for the perfect dress. Everything has to be perfect for the young lady attending the prom right down to her accessories. Yesterday, we posted a story online highlighting six of the wackiest prom dresses. One of the dresses really caught my attention — not necessarily the dress, but the situation around it.

Texanna Edwards from western Tennessee took pride in that she created her Confederate Flag prom dress, but the principal of the school didn’t feel it was appropriate for the event and was asked to leave the prom.

In the interview with Texanna and a few of her classmates, it seems as if wearing Confederate themed clothing to school was acceptable because students would wear it and nothing would happen to them. Texanna says she wasn’t trying to be offensive, but wanted the dress because she liked the rebel flag.

I’d like to know how you feel about this, leave me your comments in the section below and be a part of the quick poll.

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