It's the question that comes up about this time every year, when do we spring forward our clocks?! When it comes to time change weekend, this is the weekend most of us dread, because we'll be losing an hour of sleep during this weekend and it'll take our bodies a while to get used to the change!  Daylight Saving Time makes its return to Texas on Sunday, March 12th at 2 a.m.

So if you don't have a clock that automatically adjusts to Daylight Saving Time, you'll need to set your clocks forward one hour before going to bed! Then when you wake on Sunday you'll also need to change the clock on your wall, your microwave, coffee maker, stove and other gadgets!

While you're running around the house changing your clocks you probably should check the following too:

  • smoke detector batteries - replace them with new ones
  • carbon monoxide monitor batteries - replace them with new ones
  • test home alarm systems with monitoring service

Not all of the states within the U.S. recognize time change. Residents of Hawaii are on constant time along with most of Arizona and some portions of Indiana. So with other areas of the country not observing this some Texans feel the same way, that Texas should abolish the practice of moving time.  If this happens, Texas could become the third state to do away with time change all together.

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