What is your favorite "app" (application) on your smart phone?  

Words With Friends

We had a quick conversation around the water cooler today about it and I am starting with this recommendation:

WWF - Words With Friends - This app is pretty much an electronic scrabble with your "peeps" -- Warning though don't beat your boss he really doesn't like it!  While at a basketball game in Dallas a couple weeks ago I saw 12 people around me watching the game and playing WWF.  More goofing off after the jump.

Iphone and Droid users can play each other across the platforms.  Sorry Blackberry users you have to only play other Blackberry peeps with the app "Scrambled Words."

I back the use of this app up with a recent survey from SodaHead.com.

According to experts, goofing off at work and taking long breaks can make you improve your productivity and effectiveness. Work habits that seem like 'not doing your job' actually makes you a better worker. Experts say that goofing off at work relieves stress and improves your morale. Taking breaks and reading a book at work helps you from work areas you are not familiar with. Taking frequent breaks and even longer ones helps you improve working habits and focus better. Whenever you feel overloaded with tasks, ignoring your cell phone and e-mails minimizes distractions. Experts believe this tips will make you "work smarter, not harder."

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