Monstrous Water Explosion Is the Latest Olympic Housing Mess
There's housing trouble in Rio. Again.
Czech cyclist Zdeněk Štybar posted video Thursday of water overtaking the building where he's staying in Rio.
Man, it looks like Nakatomi Plaza at the end of Die Hard in there. Water is flowing freer than clothing off of bodies during Carnival.
Maybe this is why the U.S. men's basketball team has decided to jump (onto) ship when it comes to sleeping.
In a moment in history where everyone should be focused on gold, this is the latest black eye for the city's Summer Games. There have already been a lack of power outlets, general housing maladies and an embarrassing case of "What happened to the keys?"
With the housing crisis seemingly in full swing, it looks like athletes may have to shack up (maybe even "love shack" up).
The good news? All of these stories are taking the focus off of the Zika virus and the chances it will spread.