Over the weekend many of you may have come across the drone video of a large "shiver" of sharks that were filmed swimming just off the sands of Orange Beach Alabama. The appearance of the sharks was not surprising. The Gulf of Mexico waters are home to dozens of species of sharks but they always seem to make headlines when their habitat and "our vacations" cross paths.

Facebook via WDSU News
Facebook via WDSU News

There is now a new video from a little further down the Florida coast that seems to show just stupid people can be. The video, purported to be from Panama City Beach, Florida. Shows a group of individuals "wrestling" with a shark that has apparently been pulled onto the beach. We can only speculate the shark was "hooked" by fishermen who reeled the animal in.

What happens in the video, at least in my opinion, crosses the line between stupid and cruel. The video shows a group of five individuals harassing the animal as it's struggling to get back into the water. One of the individuals even climbs on the back of the shark riding it like a cowboy might ride a horse. 

Pardon me, if I cheer for the shark in this instance. I must admit the "slapping sound" when the animal's tail strikes a couple of individuals was very satisfying to hear. What these people were doing to that animal is just cruel. And they, the people, are very fortunate that the shark didn't severely injure them during their moments of immaturity.

Marine biologists say that beachgoers in the Gulf of Mexico should expect to have more shark encounters over the next couple of weeks. The sharks are close to shore because the food supply is plentiful and the water temperatures are to their liking.

The shark population should begin to move further offshore as we move into July and August. By then, the water temperatures near the coastline will be too warm for the sharks and the food they like to eat, so they will move into the cooler water further away from the throngs of swimmers that flock to the Gulf Coast for summer fun.

Rena Nicole via Facebook
Rena Nicole via Facebook

In the meantime, should you encounter a shark in the water, chances are it is not going to hurt you. Most of the species in the Gulf of Mexico are small and are considered to be more of a nuisance to fishermen than anything. However, these are wild animals and their behavior is not predictable. So, better to get out of the water and let the sharks swim on by.

As you can see in the video, a shark on land can be just as dangerous from either end. Not only can they bite but their tails pack a pretty good wallop too. Bottom line, don't be a douchebag, leave the sharks alone and they'll probably leave you alone too.

Incidentally, subsequent videos of this incident show the shark being released and swimming away, we hope none the worse for wear. There were no injuries reported.

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