Tyler Area Summer Camps
The signs are popping up all around the schools and before you know it, it'll be time for summer camp!
Literally, the countdown is on to the final day of school and the beginning of summer. With summer's arrival comes opportunities for kids to continue their education, expand upon friendships and have some fun at summer camp. The Tyler area offers up some very unique camp experiences - from gourmet cooking, to learning science and building rockets, to horseback riding, swimming, getting to know Christ, to sporting camps like volleyball, football and tennis, art camps, dance and cheer camps and so many other opportunities.
Now is the time to begin to think about which summer camp you want to attend or have your child attend because open slots will fill up fast. Some camps are affordable while others may be a bit more costly, but many of them may offer some kind of financial assistance. So don't let that deter you from attending a camp you really want to go to. When registering simply ask if they offer tuition assistance or have some kind of sponsor system set up. It never hurts to ask!
Looking around town here are some of the camps I've seen advertised:
These are just a few of the many summer camps in the Tyler area with several of them offering many different programs to enrich your child's imagination, social skills and more throughout the summer.