The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is now taking public comment on proposed changes to the 2021-2022 Statewide Hunting and Migratory Game Bird Proclamations.  Some of those proposed changes that would possibly affect East Texas hunters include:

  • Add crossbow to the definition of lawful archery equipment
  • Remove the prohibition on trailing wounded deer with dogs in Angelina, Hardin, Nacogdoches, Orange, Shelby, and Tyler counties; In addition, allow the trailing of wounded deer to no more than two dogs on a leash in Jasper, Newton, Sabine, and San Augustine counties
  • Close Panola County to hunting Eastern turkey season during the spring
  • Align spring and fall wild turkey hunting seasons with consistent North and South Zone boundaries along Highway 90
  • Allow a statewide squirrel hunting season by opening the remaining closed counties to a year-round hunting season
  • Establish season dates and daily bag limits for all migratory game bird hunting seasons

Additional details on the proposed regulation changes can be found on the public comment page and in the Texas Register.

The public is encouraged to provide comment on the proposed regulation changes, and input will be considered before any action is taken by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission at its March 25 public hearing. Opportunities to provide comments for or against these proposals include:

  • Zoom Webinar: TPWD Wildlife staff will present proposed hunting regulation changes and answer questions in an online webinar at 7:00pm on Tuesday, March 16. The webinar will also be posted on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.
  • Online: Comments on each of the changes can be provided on the TPWD public comment page until March 24.
  • Phone or Email:
  • Teams Commission Meeting: The TPW Commission will take public comment on the proposed changes at their meeting on Thursday, March 25 in Austin. Those wishing to provide public testimony are required to pre-register in order to speak. Public testimony is normally limited to three minutes per person.



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