Time is Running Out To Help Tyler Kids With School Supplies
For the past eight years, Tyler students have had the school supplies they need thanks to generous East Texans like yourself, and it's time for us all to come through one more time.
There is something so darn satisfying about buying school supplies! Colored pencils, bevel erasers, #2 pencils, and fresh notebooks are crisp, bright, new, and they smell fantastic. Who doesn't love walking in the door of the house with a fresh, new blue gel pen and popping that little protective ball of plastic coating right off of the gel tip? That is such a good day. The only thing that could ruin a perfectly great school supply shopping trip is if a #1 pencil is on the list of must-haves. That would be an impossible find, a unicorn, and the holy grail of any school supply list.
Hundreds of kids around Smith County are waiting on #2 pencils, highlighters, and glue sticks, and we have only a few days left to come through for them. The goal this year for #schooliscool, according to The Tyler Area Business Education Council, is to distribute 2,000 backpacks with supplies to Tyler-area kids that could use a boost heading into the new school year, and now is the time to donate.
On August 5th, Pre-K through 12th-grade students that attend the School is Cool event will be given a backpack full of great-smelling school supplies on a first-come, first-served basis. A $30 donation covers one backpack and all of the supplies inside, and you can make that donation HERE.
School supplies needed:
Glue Sticks
Bottled Glue
Facial Tissues
12 Count Colored Pencils
24 Count Crayons
Child's Scissors
Notebook Paper
3x5 Index Cards
Spiral Notebook
Composition Book
Red, Blue, and/or Black Pens
#2 Pencils
Pencil Sharpener
Dry Erase Markers
Pocket Folder with Brads
LaToya Young is spearheading the project and she can be reached at LYoung@TylerTexas.com.
8th Annual School is Cool Event:
Fun Forest Park in Tyler - Thursday, August 5th from 5:30 to 7:00 PM
Backpacks will be distributed to as many kids as possible, first-come, first-served. It's being moved from the usual spot at the Harvey Convention Center because of ongoing construction at the new Rose City Complex.
School starts in Tyler on August 16th! Don't forget the pencil sharpener.
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