The 96X Smokin’ Showdown: Sarah Cox vs. Hunter Moore [VOTE!]
Here's the deal: Each day, we'll post two girls and you vote on who is hotter. The girl with the most votes wins and moves on to face a different girl the next day. If a girl wins five days in a row, she'll be inducted into the Smokin' Showdown Hall of Fame. Voting ends at midnight.
Well, we certainly have a first in the Smokin' Showdown. Two-time winner Brandi Marie deleted her Twitter account for some reason over the weekend, so we're back to square one! But, never to worry -- Twitter is full of contestants!
Now, the brunette contestants: (Twitter links are NSFW):
Sarah Jane Cox, above at left, can found on Twitter promoting the healthy lifestyle constantly. She's an Australian fitness model -- and it shows! She has tough competition right out of the gate, though!
Sarah Jane faces a fellow Aussie, model and dancer Hunter Moore, at right, also takes a lot in her appearance. So, who takes this one?
Now, they need your votes!
After you vote, be sure and follow them on Twitter -- and follow us, too, @96XRocks!