‘Breaking Bad’ may be completely, definitively over, but that doesn’t mean Walter White is ready to leave popular culture alone. Oh, no. As long as Bryan Cranston is alive and as lone as insurance companies are prepared to back dump trucks full of cash up this house, we’ll get to see America’s favorite meth dealer pop up every so often. So while it’s weird to se Cranston play Heisenberg one more time in an Esurance commercial, it’s not that surprising.
Liam Neeson may act like a total badass when he's in movies like ‘Taken’, but he's not above poking a little fun at his new tough guy persona. The actor appeared in a new Super Bowl commercial for Clash of Clans and delivered a monologue that sounds as if it were taken (no pun intended) from one of his shoot-em-up action movies.
Danica Patrick is donning a muscle suit for GoDaddy in the latest of leaked Super Bowl 2014 commercials. So let us take a look at why this female master of the IndyCar series has decided to leave the raceway and get huge.
Some have called it one of the most inspirational and patriotic commercials to air during the big game while others are saying it's anti-American, but we say that you should watch Coca-Cola's Super Bowl 2014 commercial and judge for yourself.