Watch Texas Pool Equipment Explode After Freeze Last Night [VIDEO]Watch Texas Pool Equipment Explode After Freeze Last Night [VIDEO]This thing shot off like a rocket.StrykerStryker
This Texas City is One of the Coziest Warm Spots in AmericaThis Texas City is One of the Coziest Warm Spots in AmericaYou don't need the warm clothing when traveling to this Texas city.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
It Is Going To Be Brutally Cold In East Texas Thursday NightIt Is Going To Be Brutally Cold In East Texas Thursday NightGet ready for a true Arctic blast of cold weather.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Things You Should Never Leave in a Freezing CarThings You Should Never Leave in a Freezing CarThe weather this week is pretty warm for January, but we have a feeling winter isn't done with us just yet. There are several things that could be ruined if you leave them in a freezing car, like your meds. What else?Jen AustinJen Austin