Imagine getting off after a long day at work, you have the ice chest in the back of the truck, you crack open a beer for your drive home. Some Texans were not too happy back in the day when some new laws went into place.
Not sure if this is a title to be that proud of, but according to geotagged Twitter data, Texans are consuming the most alcohol during this COVID-19 outbreak.
Millennials have a new drink of choice. Instead of kegs of beer, most millennials in the US are downing something a little more hoity toity, and they're drinking a ton of it. Are Texans falling right into line? Maybe not!
Since the beginning of families, holidays, and especially family holidays like Christmas, alcohol has always been a key component to survival. Brighten up everyone's spirits by mixing up these delicious drinks -- and don't forget to pour one (or five) for yourself as you mix.