Some people are saying it's part of a new TikTok challenge, others are saying it's just teenagers acting like idiots, no matter what is going on kids being shot at in Kilgore, Texas needs to stop. While the two reports that have been made so far state that the shots being fired are likely coming from an airsoft gun or possibly a b.b. gun parents are still furious. Any parent would be angry to find out their child was shot at by a passing vehicle, but parents in Kilgore will not continue to deal with it.

The first I heard about anything like this was over this past weekend when the mom of an 11-year-old boy posted online about her son being shot in the face with an airsoft gun. As you would expect this mama bear was not happy about what happened, and did report the incident to police. This happened near her home which is located on Florey Street in Kilgore.


The Second Incident Mentions B.B. Guns Being Shot in Kilgore

The second report that was mentioned on social media was about b.b. guns being fired at kids and neighbors coming from a Gray SUV, with teenagers occupying the vehicle. This again took place in the same area of Kilgore on Florey Street. Another incident reported stated that it was occupants in a red car that was doing this. Residents in the area are trying to find out who in the area has cameras on their home in hopes they can identify the suspects in this case.

If You Know Who It Is You Need To Say Something

It doesn't matter if it's an airsoft gun or something worse, no kid needs to worry about their safety when they are just trying to play outside of their home. If you have any information regarding who is driving around taking shots at kids please reach out to law enforcement. The last thing we need is a parent to begin shooting back at kids just protecting their own children.

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