Kansas Wants Sperm Donor to Pay Child Support to Lesbian Couple [VIDEO, POLL]
There is a huge difference between "father" and "dad," correct? Well, apparently the Department of Children and Families in Shawnee County, Kansas doesn't think so. A man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple that wanted to start a family is now being drug into a nasty legal battle to pay child support for the child.In 2009, William Marotta met lesbian couple, Jennifer Schreiner and Angela Bauer on Craigslist and responded to their online post of seeking a sperm donor so the two women could have their dream of having a baby.
Marotta, in good faith, donated his sperm to the couple free of charge.
The couple then had Marotta sign legal documents relinquishing any and all rights as the "father" to the child. The contract was drafted and designed to protect the couple, as well as Marotta from any dealings with the child, even child support payments.
So what went wrong?
Well, the state of Kansas is looking to recoup funds that were paid to the couple in public assistance. The state's argument was the fact that the artificial-insemination was not performed by a state licensed physician.
Couple, Jennifer Schreiner and Angela Bauer weren't seeking child support of any kind from Marotta.
After suffering financially after the child was born, the two filed for assistance for their child.
Schreiner, who is the child's biological mother was financially assisted by the state of Kansas, and now the state is seeking to recoup losses from the "father".
Do you think it's fair for the man who donated sperm out of generosity to a couple, and signed all rights away (pending a pregnancy and live birth) be sough after by the state for child support? (Watch the video, and take our poll below.)
Watch: Kansas Wants Sperm Donor To Pay Child Support