It was shocking last week to find out that 17 different businesses in Jacksonville, Texas that had windows shot out due to someone or a group of people shooting b.b. guns. This is the type of immature behavior expected out of kids, but the punishment now is beyond anything a kid will be able to handle. It's extremely disturbing to find out that even though this bad behavior is getting attention, it's not stopping, windows are continuing to be shot out.

Last week I found a local business owner who had a large window shot out from the front of her business, law enforcement knows it's happening and is working hard to figure out who is behind this. But recently I was able to connect with another woman who had her vehicle window shot out, so it's not just about businesses, this is happening at peoples homes while their vehicle is in the driveway.

Details About the Shooting on Saturday After Thanksgiving

After seeing another social media post about a vehicle having it's windows shot out, I reached out to get more information and found out where the window was shattered. According to Dawn Wilcox her vehicle was parked on Myrtle Drive in her own driveway,  she wasn't sure at what time of night the windows were shot out.

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This is Not Going to End Well for the Shooter

Taking shots at objects are bad enough, but shooting towards houses puts lives at risk. And people in East Texas will shoot back if you shoot toward their home or family. I cannot stress enough how important it is to talk to your kids about not doing anything like this. And if they know who is behind this behavior it's time to let law enforcement know.

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