When you think of the state with the worst drivers in the US, what state comes to mind? I immediately think of New York and California, but it turns out, Idaho is number one.

As much as other Texas drivers frustrate us, we're actually just middle-of-the-pack in terms or rudeness on the road. Texas drivers are only the 27th-worst.

The survey from Insure.com took into account things like talking on the phone while driving and tailgating.  If they meant serving up tasty grilled foods and frosty beverages before football games, Texas would be the best!  But unfortunately, the survey accuses some of us in Texas of following too closely and trying to almost nudge slow drivers into going faster.  It's those other drivers on the road that are the offenders, I know.  Not you and me.

Drivers from California are the ones that voted the most strongly for Texas's bad driving habits, according to the survey.  Texas drivers are "most hated" by California drivers for whatever reason.  In most other cases it's the neighboring states that get on each other's nerves. (Like Montana drivers hate Wyoming drivers, and New York drivers hate New Jersey drivers.)  But in our case, drivers from the West Coast come along way to not like us.  Okay California tourists, next time we see your license plates we'll stay far, far away from you. By the way, Texas drivers "hate" drivers in quite a few states: Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, and California.

Why is Idaho #1 for the worst drivers? The problem in Idaho is the slow drivers, according to the article, and since there are allegedly so many of them there, the faster drivers get a bad rap for speeding up and trying to get around them. Same may be said of Texas I think. Drive safely and turn up the radio! It helps.

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