Earliest Sunrise is Wednesday; More Daylight Hours through June 21
Each day we are seeing more and more daylight hours, and you’ve probably noticed. But after Wednesday, the sun will start to rise a little later each day.
Wednesday morning is the earliest sunrise that we will see here in East Texas. The sun will rise at 6:13 a.m. and set at 8:28 p.m., giving us 14 hours and 15 minutes of daylight. Even though we will continue to see the sunrise a little later, we’ll actually see the most daylight hours occur on June 21, the summer solstice.
The summer solstice is the start of the summer season in the northern hemisphere. On June 21 we’ll see 14 hours and 17 minutes of daylight. Enjoy it because each day through December 21 will be a little shorter with daylight hours. That’s when we only see 10 hours and 2 minutes of daylight, on the winter solstice.
Some other days of note when talking about daylight hours:
Daylight hours fall below 12 hours in Tyler: September 27
Earliest sunset in Tyler: November 3
Latest sunrise in Tyler: January 9
The gain of daylight hours has a direct effect on the weather, and more specifically temperatures here in East Texas. More daylight hours equates to more sun, which then equates to the earth heating for longer. June 23 is the first day that the normal high in Tyler is 90 degrees. The normal high stays at or above 90 degrees through September 12.
More sun and more heat also translates to other weather phenomena such as stronger storms, pop up showers and storms, and much more.
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