Texans Who Don’t Carry This Are Protecting Their Identity Better
I remember when my mom gave me mine, I was 10 years old and I immediately felt grown up. The first thing I did was sign the front and stick that sucker directly into my neon green Velcro wallet, turns out that wasn't my best idea.
Turns out I may've been lucky that no one got ahold of it.
While carrying a gun can help protect you, it turns out that carrying this card around could potentially help someone steal your identity.
We are of course talking about your social security card. While it's been years now since I carried a wallet big enough to cram every receipt, gym membership, Blockbuster card, and frozen yogurt rewards card I ever got into it, it's still important to remember that just like most of those things, you probably won't ever need your social security card on the fly.
And the chances of it biting you in the butt are much better and more severe than it ever helping you. Regarding carrying your card with you, the Social Security Administration recommends against it.
We encourage you not to carry your Social Security card with you every day. The best way to “Guard Your Card” is to keep it in a safe place and share it only when required, which is rare. In fact, in most cases, just knowing the Social Security number should be enough. In 49 states and the District of Columbia, a Social Security card isn’t required to request a Real ID. Only Pennsylvania requires it.
There you go, friends, lock those social security cards up for safekeeping.