Could These Tyler Apartments Be Haunted?
A story has surfaced from of the Oaks Apartments at the corner of Baxter and East Houston in Tyler. Residents have reported seeing a shadowy figure of a man walking around their apartment, hearing voices call out to them and being touched by something that wasn't there.
Resident Prissy Mitchell told the website, "Since the day we moved in I’ve seen and felt spirits here in the apartment. At first it was scary but I’ve sort of just gotten used to it."
Even members of her family have seen and felt something paranormal in her apartment. "One time my aunt was sitting on the couch and she felt something grab her behind her legs and try to pull her off the couch," Mitchell said. "We all saw her legs being pulled out from nowhere."
Marsha Brown, who lives next door to Prissy Mitchell, has experienced other forms of paranormal activity. "Sometimes the doors will lock on their own and I can’t get them open, then suddenly they click and open by themselves. People think I’m crazy but I don’t know how to explain it,” Brown said.
Even her kids have had some experiences. "My son once heard a banging on the door and walls, but no one was in or near the hallway when he went to look who it was. Also my two year old daughter told me she saw a man in the living room while I was taking a bath," Brown said.
Mitchell also said that since she moved in about three years ago, at least three people have died, two of natural causes and another to suicide.
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